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High Tensile Wire Fixed Knot Fence for Agricultural Fencing

When selecting fixed knot fence, basic wire choices need to be made, including knot type, tensile strength, gauge, galvanization, and mesh spacing. In most applications, the best value is the fixed-knot, high-tensile, 12-gauge, Class-3 galvanized and with 6 inches or less mesh spacing characteristics. These combined qualities create a fence that is superior in value based on cost and performance.

For years, landowners have relied on low-carbon barbed wire and field fencing products made from steel wire with a carbon content of about 0.06-0.08% to enclose their land and control their livestock. But this type of wire tends to stretch, meaning it will sag or stretch over time.

Through technological advances, most people are now using fixed knot fences made of high tensile wire to hold their animals (deer, goats, cattle, horses & hogs, etc.), general livestock, wildlife and enclose their orchard.

High Tensile Wire

High tensile wire is made of higher carbon steel with a carbon content of about 0.28%. The increased carbon content significantly increases the wire's strength and reduces elongation.

It allows you to use a smaller diameter wire instead of a thicker low carbon wire. Once a high tensile wire fixed knot fence is properly installed, it will remain tight for years and will require very little maintenance over time.

Fixed Knot Fence for Deer

Fixed knot fence offers many benefits for deer control. Knots don't break or slide, the fencing resists impacts, and it doesn't stretch or sag. It resists access to deer's predators, and really cuts down on labor costs.

Fixed knot deer fence has less visibility and stronger structures to protect farms, gardens and orchards from deer and large animals.

Specification & Application

Recommended types of fixed knot fence with different spacing for deer
Table 1: Common Specifications of Fixed Knot Deer Fence
Types Fence Height Horizontal Wires Spacing of Vertical Wires Where Used Reason
EZFK17/75/6 75" 17 6" Internal fence for smaller deer species Lower fences with 6" spacing save on materials costs – deciding factor is jump height of the species in question
EZFK20/96/3 96" 20 3" Breeding & fawn pens, high pressure areas Tighter 3" spacing for greater strength & smaller animal control
EZFK20/96/6 96" 20 6" Boundary fence, medium-to-high pressure Strong, cost-saving 6" spacing
EZFK20/96/12 96" 20 12" Boundary fence, deer exclusion, low pressure areas 12" spacing for economy
EZFK23/120/3 120" 23 3" Breeding & fawn pens, high pressure areas Strongest with 3" spacing
EZFK23/120/6 120" 23 6" Boundary fence, medium to high pressure Strong, cost-saving 6" spacing
EZFK23/120/12 120" 23 12" Boundary fence, deer exclusion, low pressure areas 12" spacing for economy

Fixed Knot Fence for Horse

Major professional assets and recreational animals alike, horses are the pride and joy of the Western lifestyle. Without them, a ranch wouldn't be a ranch. Protecting them is of the utmost importance.

Enzar Metal offers an array of products to do just that. Fixed knot horse fences are less expensive to install than traditional horse fencing. Smaller spacing helps prevent horses' hooves and legs from crossing the fence. It also has corrosion and rust-resistant performance, and lasts three to four times longer than low-tensile horse fencing. It can even be used with rail fencing.

Specification & Application

Recommended types of fixed knot fence with different spacing for horse
Table 2: Common Specifications of Fixed Knot Horse Fence
Types Fence Height Horizontal Wires Spacing of Vertical Wires Where Used Reason
EZFK13/48/3 48" 13 3" Stalls, holding pens, runways Short but strong 3" spacing
EZFK17/48/3 48" 17 3" Stalls, holding pens, runways Short but strong 3" spacing
EZFK16/61/3 61" 16 3" Stalls, holding pens, runways 3" spacing is durable, holds its shape, resists pawing
EZFK16/61/6 61" 16 6" Pasture & perimeter fence, low pressure areas 6" spacing is economical, tall, resists downward pressure
EZFK17/75/3 75" 17 3" Handling areas, stalls, holding pens, crowded areas Durable, tall, resists high pressure with 3" spacing
EZFK17/75/6 75" 17 6" Pastures, exterior, cross-fences Durable, height discourages necking down

Fixed Knot Fence for Goat

Those who raise stubborn sheep and goats understand just how challenging it can be to manage fencing. They're quick to get out and even harder to get back in once they escape.

And let's not forget how challenging it is to prevent predators, such as bobcats, foxes, coyotes, dogs, and even toothier animals.

Its economical fencing solutions are abundant, and the total construction cost of sheep & goat fixed knot fencing is more affordable than net wire with barbed wire. It resists rust and corrosion, offers superior strength, resists impact, has very low sag, and requires little to no maintenance.

Specification & Application

Recommended types of fixed knot fence with different spacing for goat
Table 3: Common Specifications of Fixed Knot Goat Fence
Types Fence Height Horizontal Wires Spacing of Vertical Wires Where Used Reason
EZFK8/42/3 42" 8 3" Pasture & exteriors, raceways, birthing areas, kid pens, holding pens, high pressure areas 3" spacing for complete predator control – predators can't get through
EZFK8/42/12 42" 8 12" Pasture, interior, and cross fencing Economical 12" spacing
EZFK9/49/12 49" 9 12" Pasture, interior and cross fence for larger goats, low pressure areas Economical 12" spacing for bigger goats
EZFK13/48/3 48" 13 3" Pasture, exteriors, raceways, birthing areas, kid pens, holding pen 3" spacing for complete predator control
EZFK13/48/12 48" 13 12" Pastures, exterior fences Economical 12" spacing with predator control

Fixed Knot Fence for Cattle

We provide a very strong, low maintenance cattle fence It's stronger than 9 gauge wire, resists ice and snow, maintains its shape, and resists rust and corrosion. Cattle/Bison may try to give the fence horns, but the fixed knot fence is tough enough to withstand.

Specification & Application

Recommended types of fixed knot fence with different spacing for cattle
Table 4: Common Specifications of Fixed Knot Cattle Fence
Types Fence Height Horizontal Wires Spacing of Vertical Wires Where Used Reason
EZFK9/49/6 49" 9 6" Internal & corral fence, high pressure areas 6" spacing for greater strength
EZFK9/49/12 49" 9 12" Boundary & pasture fence, low pressure areas Cost saving with 12" spacing over long distances
EZFK16/61/3 61" 16 3" Corrals, high pressure areas Higher fence, 3" spacing for maximum strength and animal control

Fixed Knot Fence for Hog

Wild hogs are a significant threat to property owners throughout the southern United States.

Landowners will prefer fixed knot fences for many reasons. First, its woven, fixed-knot design limits entry and breaches in the fence.

Even when unruly hogs press and wallow against the fence, the knots hold strong. It provides great elasticity when they engage the fence, and returns to its proper resting position after they disengage. Plus, it's super cost-effective and high value.

Specification & Application

Recommended types of fixed knot fence with different spacing for hog
Table 5: Common Specifications of Fixed Knot Hog Fence
Types Fence Height Horizontal Wires Spacing of Vertical Wires Where Used Reason
EZFK7/35/6 35" 7 6" Feral hog exclusion, pasture, interior and cross fence Exclusion fence, economical 6" spacing
EZFK8/42/3 42" 8 3" Feral hog exclusion, turn-outs, birthing areas, holding pens, high pressure areas 3" spacing for complete predator control – predators can't get through
EZFK8/42/6 42" 8 6" Feral hog exclusion, pasture, interior and cross fence, medium to high pressure areas Exclusion fence, economical 6" spacing
EZFK13/48/3 48" 13 3" Pasture, exterior, turn-outs, birthing areas, hog pens, holding pens Predator control
EZFK9/49/6 49" 9 6" Feral hog exclusion, pasture, interior and cross fence, medium to high pressure 6" economical spacing for larger animals

Fixed Knot Fence for General Livestock

General livestock fence provides safe containment for all the valuable livestock on your property. We construct our fences using high-tensile, galvanized wire that is corrosion resistant and weathering for optimal results. This low fencing can be used in various types of terrain for multiple types of animals.

Specification & Application

Recommended types of fixed knot fence with different spacing for general livestock
Table 6: Common Specifications of Fixed Knot Livestock Fence
Types Fence Height Horizontal Wires Spacing of Vertical Wires Where Used Reason
EZFK7/35/6 35" 7 6" Feral hog exclusion, pasture, interior and cross fence Low pressure areas, economical 6" spacing
EZFK8/42/3 42" 8 3" Feral hog exclusion, raceways, birthing areas, holding pens, high pressure areas 3" spacing for complete predator control – predators can’t get through
EZFK8/42/6 42" 8 6" Feral hog exclusion, pasture, interior and cross fence, medium to high pressure areas Economical 6" spacing
EZFK13/48/3 48" 13 3" Pasture, exterior, raceways, birthing areas, hog pens, holding pens 3" spacing for complete predator control
EZFK12/48/12 48" 13 12" Pastures, exterior fences Economical 12" spacing with predator control
EZFK9/49/6 49" 9 6" Feral hog exclusion, pasture, interior and cross fence, medium to high pressure 6" economical spacing for larger animals
EZFK9/49/12 49" 9 12" Pasture, interior and cross fence for larger goats, low pressure areas Economical 12" spacing for bigger goats
EZFK16/61/3 61" 16 3" Stalls, holding pens, runways 3" spacing is durable, holds its shape, resists pawing
EZFK16/61/6 61" 16 6" Pasture & perimeter fence, low pressure areas 6" spacing is economical, tall, resists downward pressure

Fixed Knot Fence for Orchard & Wildlife

Healthy orchards need a great trellis system to support heavy fruit, plus protection from hungry deer, birds and other predators. Safeguard your trees from the perimeter and overhead predators with a fixed knot fence and provide the necessary support with trellising materials.

Specification & Application

Recommended types of fixed knot fence with different spacing for orchard & wildlife
Table 7: Common Specifications of Fixed Knot Orchard & Wildlife Fence
Types Fence Height Horizontal Wires Spacing of Vertical Wires Where Used Reason
EZFK17/75/3 75" 17 3" Handling areas, stalls, holding pens, crowded areas Durable, resists high pressure with 3" spacing
EZFK17/75/6 75" 17 6" Pastures, exterior, cross-fences Durable, height discourages necking down
EZFK20/96/3 96" 20 3" Breeding & fawn pens, high pressure areas Tighter 3" spacing for greater strength & smaller animal control
EZFK20/96/6 96" 20 6" Boundary fence, medium-to-high pressure Strong, cost-saving 6" spacing
EZFK20/96/12 96" 20 12" Boundary fence, deer exclusion, low pressure areas 12" spacing for economy
EZFK23/120/3 120" 23 3" Breeding & fawn pens, high pressure areas Strongest fence with 3" spacing
EZFK23/120/6 120" 23 6" Boundary fence, medium to high pressure Strong, cost-saving 6" spacing
EZFK23/120/12 120" 23 12" Boundary fence, deer exclusion, low pressure areas 12" spacing for economy

The variety of fence types for fixed knot fence can seem daunting at first. Grouping these fence pattern options by the intended use makes it much easier to make your fencing decision. For a more detailed discussion of the right fixed knot fence for your use, contact Enzar Metal fence expert
